This is a problem by Go Seigen. The problem is a mistake, the white stones actually can never be killed. In
solution diagram, white 4 is a bad move which results in
white's death. Black 1 should play at 6, this is the
strongest move, however, white can still Seki. XuanXuanGo thinks white 4 should play like
diagram 2, white stones won't be killed. If black 5 plays at
6, white plays at 5 and lives.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to
solve this problem: 4.10 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
XuanXuanGo's solution
White to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
This is a problem by Honinbo Shusai. For the official
solution (diagram 1), the book says if black plays at A,
then white plays at B, black dies. Here, Shusai neglected
black's playing at C to have a Ko, as demonstrated in
Diagram 2. XuanXuanGo thinks diagram 3 is the correct
solution, in which black is killed unconditionally.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve this problem: 6.14 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Go Seigen. In diagram 1, white 8 is a
bad move, which results in the white's unconditional death.
If white 8 plays like diagram 2, white will have a hope to
live by Ko.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve this problem:
0.30 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Go Seigen. In the solution diagram,
white 2 is a fatal mistake, white is killed unconditionally.
If XuanXuanGo plays white, it would play like diagram 2,
white can have a Ko. If black 5 plays at 6, white plays at
A, living without a Ko.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve
this problem: 0.45 second
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Maeda Nobuaki. The problem is a
mistake, the white stones actually can never be killed. In
solution diagram, white 4 is a bad move which results in
white's death. XuanXuanGo thinks white 4 should play like
diagram 2, white stones won't be killed. Later, white lives
if get either point.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve this
problem: 0.15 second
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Maeda Nobuaki. The problem's official
solution has a
mistake, the white stones actually can't be killed
unconditionally. In solution diagram, white 2 is a bad move
which results in white's death. XuanXuanGo thinks white 2
should play like diagram 2 and white 4 is an amazing tesuji,
white lives by Ko.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve
this problem: 29.00 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
This is a problem by Hashimoto Utaro. The problem is a mistake, the white stones actually can't be killed. In
solution diagram, white 2 is a bad move which results in
white's death. XuanXuanGo thinks white 2 should play like
diagram 2, white lives. If black 7 plays at 8, white plays
at 7. Diagram 3 is a variation, if black plays at 3, white
can also live.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve this
problem: 0.50 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Hashimoto Utaro. The problem's official
solution has a
mistake, the white stones actually can't be killed
unconditionally. In solution diagram, white 2 is a bad move
which results in white's death. XuanXuanGo thinks white 2
should play like diagram 2, white lives by Ko.
Time used
by XuanXuanGo to solve this problem: 0.25 second
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Hashimoto Utaro. The problem's official
solution has a
mistake, the white stones actually can't be killed
unconditionally. In solution diagram, white 2 is a bad move
which results in white's death. XuanXuanGo thinks white 2
should play like diagram 2, white lives by Ko. After white
2, black 3 is the strongest move, if plays anywhere else,
white will live unconditionally.
Time used by XuanXuanGo
to solve this problem: 47.25 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
XuanXuanGo's solution
B to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
This is a problem by Sato Sunao. The problem's official
solution has mistakes,
In the solution diagram, black 3 is a mistake, however,
white 4 is a mistake too. After black 3, white can kill
black as diagram 2. XuanXuanGo thinks black 3 should play
like diagram 3, black will have a Ko to live. After white 6,
black cannot play at A, as white will play at B to kill.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve this problem: 12.90 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Kaku Kyushin. The problem is a
mistake, the white stones actually can't be killed anyway.
In solution diagram (black 3 plays at 8, white 14 plays at A
and black 15 plays at 13), white 4 is a bad move which
results in white's death. XuanXuanGo thinks white 4 should
play like diagram 2, white lives.
Time used by XuanXuanGo
to solve this problem: 3.60 seconds
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
Black to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
This is a problem by Lee ChangHo. The problem's official
solution has a mistake. In solution diagram, black 3 is not
a strong move. Actually, black can kill white
unconditionally, if black 3 plays like diagram 2.
used by XuanXuanGo to solve this problem: 0.15 second
official solution
XuanXuanGo's discovery
XuanXuanGo's solution
White to play first
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
This is a problem by Lee ChangHo. The problem's official
solution has mistakes,
In the solution diagram, white 3 is a mistake, however,
black 4 is a mistake too. After white 3, black 4 can kill
white as diagram 2. XuanXuanGo thinks white 3 should play
like diagram 3, white will live. If black 6 plays at 7,
white 7 plays at 6.
Time used by XuanXuanGo to solve this
problem: 48.90 seconds